Analysis on Efficiency Improvement of Photovoltaic Power Generation System Construction Project

With the continuous progress of society, the concept of green development has been deeply rooted in people’s hearts. The traditional power generation industry has high energy consumption and heavy pollution. Although it provides the main driving force for economic development, it also causes many negative effects and is not conducive to the harmonious coexistence of man and nature. At this stage, new energy projects are constantly being launched. Photovoltaic power generation projects make full use of solar energy resources, are pollution-free, noise-free, not restricted by terrain, and have a short construction period. However, there are still many problems to be solved in the actual construction process, otherwise it will affect the realization of the goal.

Project Overview

A company’s 300MW agricultural photovoltaic power generation project is mainly located in Guangzong Town, Fengjiazhai Town, Hulu Township and other towns in Guangzong County. The construction scale is 300MW, and it adopts a block power generation and centralized grid connection scheme. The photovoltaic area covers an area of about 600hm2, consisting of 80 3.15MW photovoltaic arrays, 8 1.6MW photovoltaic arrays, and 10 0.8MW photovoltaic arrays, each equipped with a 3150kVA, 1600kVA, and 800kVA capacity booster transformer, a total of 16 collection lines. The project plans to build a booster station with a voltage level of 220/35kV.

Overview of Photovoltaic Power Generation System

Photovoltaic power generation system is the core device for generating electricity using solar energy resources. It uses the working principle of photovoltaics to generate electricity. Solar power generation is mainly composed of photovoltaic arrays, inverter devices and tracking systems. Photovoltaic power generation systems are of great significance to the development of the entire power industry. At the same time, during the production process of photovoltaic power generation systems, no vibration or noise is generated. The energy used is also renewable solar energy, which improves the efficiency of power production and is energy-saving and environmentally friendly. During the construction of photovoltaic power generation systems, it is very important to reasonably configure and construct its various components, which determines the construction effect of photovoltaic power generation systems. The tracking system mainly tracks and analyzes solar energy to ensure that the solar photovoltaic power generation system can absorb the most effective solar energy and improve the efficiency of the power generation system.

Analysis of factors in construction site management of photovoltaic power stations

The quality management of engineering construction projects is to carry out a series of management work such as organization and coordination around the quality goals of engineering construction projects based on the construction contract, relevant design data of the project, and relevant national regulations and documents, and to evaluate the effectiveness of quality management work accordingly, and formulate a series of improvement measures and methods. The quality management work of engineering construction projects is carried out as the project progresses, and it is a full-process, full-element and all-round management work.

The construction period of photovoltaic power generation projects is short, the construction period is tight, the project construction area is wide, and the construction team is uneven, which puts higher requirements on the construction site management of photovoltaic power generation projects.

Measures to improve the efficiency of photovoltaic power generation system construction

4.1 Pre-construction preparation

(1) The overburden on the project site is red clay with a thickness of 0.5m to 3.5m and uneven distribution; the underlying bedrock is medium to slightly weathered limestone. Crawler-type drilling machines are preferred for the construction of microporous cast-in-place pile foundation holes, but mountain photovoltaics will inevitably have terrain slopes and uneven areas. For areas where crawler-type drilling machines cannot be used for construction, anchor rod construction and manual drilling machine drilling construction should be used. Different construction measures should be taken according to different terrain and geological conditions to achieve complementary effects.

(2) Proper employment of local workers can reduce construction costs and benefit the relationship with villagers. However, in areas where ethnic minorities gather, detailed knowledge of local folk customs should be obtained, and the situation where workers cannot be hired during local traditional festivals and related customs should be considered in advance, so as to optimize the proportion of local labor and avoid major construction paralysis. At the same time, a reasonable construction plan should be formulated to reduce construction arrangements during local traditional festivals and related customs, or avoid construction work that requires a large amount of manpower during local traditional festivals. Adequate construction preparation can enable the project to proceed smoothly; detailed construction measures and a complete construction plan will allow the project to proceed more orderly.

4.2 Electrical equipment installation

Oil-filled (gas) equipment often leaks, which is mainly due to the common quality defects of flange connections. Before installation, the flatness of the flange surface and the condition of the sealing ring must be strictly checked, which must meet the requirements of the specifications, and the bolt tightening torque must meet the product requirements. When bolts are used to fix the equipment on angle steel or channel steel, wedge-shaped square flat washers with the same specifications as the bolts must be inserted into the inner side of the angle steel and channel steel. Insulated wires must be used for the connection of voltage transformers (CVTs) and filters. When the bushings of oil-filled equipment are connected with hard wires, the bushing terminals cannot be stressed. Do a good job in welding acceptance, mainly including angle steel, channel steel, steel pipes, brackets, etc., to ensure that the welds are firm and beautiful, and the geometric dimensions are correct. The exposed lengths on both sides of the through-core bolts used in the installation equipment must be consistent. The opening angle of the pins between the connecting parts of electrical equipment cannot be less than 60°.

4.3 Improving the Tracking Algorithm of the Tracker

During the overall operation of the photovoltaic power generation system, the operating efficiency of the tracking system directly affects the overall power generation efficiency. Therefore, in the process of improving efficiency, the design should be optimized according to the tracking algorithm of the tracker. The traditional tracking algorithm uses the largest design area, which requires the application of more solar tracking devices, affecting the overall construction cost of the system. In the application process of the maximum power point tracking algorithm, the weather condition analysis is mainly completed, and the weather conditions are divided into level one, level two and level three. According to different solar energy classification conditions, solar energy positioning tracking is completed. During the tracking process, the actual control of the CAN.Bus bus is completed. Through the CAN.Bus bus control, the application of solar tracking devices can be effectively reduced, which is conducive to reducing the cost of photovoltaic power grid construction projects.

4.4 Management of operating personnel

Photovoltaic power generation projects involve many aspects of construction, such as civil engineering, installation, electrical engineering, and commissioning. There are many processes, a large amount of work, and a wide range of operations. At the same time, the project construction period is short and the construction period is tight, which requires a large number of construction workers to participate. There are many workers with different technical levels, so the management of workers is particularly important. (1) Pay attention to the safety education and training of workers, improve the safety knowledge and skills of workers, and achieve full coverage of safety education and training. Safety disclosure, publicity and supervision should run through the entire process of project construction. (2) Strengthen construction technical guidance, establish unified construction and acceptance standards, implement the technical disclosure system, and continuously improve the technical guidance and supervision of the construction site according to the on-site conditions to control the construction quality. (3) Do a good job in communication between various work teams and types of work. Cross-construction or mutual influence is inevitable at the construction site. Communication should be strengthened to discover and solve problems in a timely manner so that construction can proceed smoothly.

4.5 Photovoltaic power generation system construction cost control

During the construction of photovoltaic power generation systems, we must not only focus on the reasonable optimization of construction efficiency, but also pay attention to the management of the construction costs of photovoltaic power generation system motors and achieve the purpose of cost reduction. The reduction of photovoltaic power generation system construction costs mainly starts from the following aspects: (1) Effectively reducing the application of solar tracking devices through CAN.Bus bus control is conducive to reducing the cost of photovoltaic power grid construction projects. (2) It is recommended to choose the SKIM401TMLI12E4T three-level inverter, which can effectively reduce the construction cost of the overall photovoltaic power generation system and is conducive to project optimization and construction. (3) Select appropriate energy sites, reduce capital investment in project equipment, achieve low-cost construction, and improve the construction efficiency of photovoltaic power generation systems.

In Conclusion

The construction of photovoltaic power generation projects is similar. In the current fierce competition, only by strengthening the management of the construction site, paying attention to the overall layout of the project, strengthening the details, controlling the key points of the construction site, optimizing the construction plan, improving the construction technology level, and shaping a good brand image can we seize the initiative in the fierce market competition.



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