Located in the province of Viterbo, Italy, Tuscania has beautiful natural scenery and is a typical traditional Italian town. It is loved by many tourists for its rich history, religion and cultural relics. Today, this town full of ancient life has embraced the emerging project of renewable energy power generation, which has unknowingly affected the lives and daily lives of local people.
Case Introduction:

Tuscania is building a 150MW ground-mounted photovoltaic power station in full swing, covering an area equivalent to more than 250 football fields, with an annual power generation of 240GWh and carbon emission reduction of more than 100,000 tons.
As one of the largest privately financed photovoltaic power stations in Italy and one of the largest photovoltaic power stations in Europe, the Tuscania power station is equipped with 270,000 photovoltaic modules installed on single-axis trackers. The tracker system of the power station was designed and guided by a professional team of engineers from CDS SOLAR.

Localized grid management

Through intelligent and distributed energy management technologies, the power station optimizes power generation and energy storage efficiency. By combining photovoltaic power generation with localized power grids, the project can balance supply and demand during peak hours and reduce grid load pressure. In addition, localized management also improves the stability of the grid, reduces dependence on long-distance power transmission, increases the utilization rate of renewable energy, and helps achieve regional carbon emission targets.